Shorashim Legacy Donors

If you have a sapling in your hand and someone tells you the Messiah has arrived, first plant the sapling and then go out to welcome the Messiah. – Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai

means ‘roots’ in Hebrew.

Our roots are the promises we keep to our children, our earth, and each other. Your bequest to Hazon keeps your promise to make the world a better place.

Your legacy gift to Hazon is a living gift that will grow…

in the farm soil of Adamah . . . the life-changing, nature program of Teva . . . the spirit and community of Hazon group bike rides . . . our one of a kind “magical” retreats at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center . . . and our programs to bring healthier, more sustainable wisdom to the Jewish world and the world we share.

Together, we will make the world more sustainable for generations to come. Your gift to our Shorashim Society is an enduring one, growing stronger with time. Thank you!

Download our Planned Gift Letter of Intent

A Bequest to Hazon

A bequest is one of the easiest ways for you to leave a legacy gift. Naming Hazon as a beneficiary in your will can provide a significant gift in the future, and gives you control over your assets.

The language below can be used to include Hazon in your will:

“I give and bequeath Hazon, located in New York, NY, Tax Identification Number 13-1623922, $_____ (OR) %_______ of my assets.”

Designate Hazon in Your Retirement Plan

Designate Hazon in Your Retirement Plan
Leaving your retirement plan to charity is another easy way to make a planned gift. You can allocate all or part of your remaining retirement funds in your plan as a gift to Hazon. Many retirement plans can be paid to charities without income or inheritance taxes, allowing your gift to make a real difference.

Give a gift to Hazon from your Retirement Plan

Give a gift to Hazon from your Retirement Plan
Ask or download a Change of Beneficiary form from your retirement plan manager, and designate Hazon as a beneficiary of your remaining funds.

Other ways to make a legacy gift to Hazon

Other ways to make a legacy gift to Hazon
• Life Insurance Policy
• Home or Second Home
• Securities
• Donor Advised Funds
• Charitable Gift Annuities

Hazon Shorashim Legacy Donors will be recognized with honor at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center.

Questions? Contact Thank you!

We are most grateful to the following individuals for their dedication to Hazon, as expressed through their membership in the Hazon Shorashim Legacy Society:

Judith Belasco
Morgan Dorsch
Jessica and Chad Haller
Amy Hannes
Jeremy Kranowitz
Fred and Trisha Margulies

Mark E. Russo
Nigel Savage
Adam Sher
Alyson and Richard Slutzky
Valerie and Michael Yasner

Download our Planned Gift Letter of Intent