Mitsui Collective’s Tu b’Av Self-Love & Liberation Festival

Aug 5, 2020 - All Day

Mitsui Collective’s Tu b’Av Self-Love & Liberation Festival is a pilot program with a multi-stage platform for live experiences, learning, and tool-sharing centered around love, liberation, equity, care of self, and cultivating personal resiliency through embodied Jewish practice. We’re building out a full slate of Jewish somatic movement and mindfulness sessions, workshops, roundtable discussions, and community building beginning the morning of August 5 and continuing throughout the day, culminating in a fun evening of song and celebration.

The festival is intended to fill a much needed opportunity to nourish folks from across the spectrum of Jewish life and particularly those who have been on a myriad of frontlines working for justice. Simultaneously, this program is intended to center voices long marginalized in Jewish life and particularly in areas of embodied practice and self-care, and to catalyze important conversations that will guide more equitable and anti-racist approaches to this work as it continues to evolve.

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