Jun 2, 2020 - Jun 16, 2020
“Eating Jewishly” involves tradition, memory, kashrut, family history, the wider world, health, taste, economics – a huge range of factors. In this three-part series join Hazon’s Nigel Savage as he raises a wide range of questions and issues. We’ll use texts ancient and modern, and we’ll ask you about the contents of your refrigerator, then and now! This series is hosted by The Institute of Jewish Knowledge and Learning (IJKL).
Dates: Tuesdays, June 2, 9, and 16
Time: 12:15 pm to 1:45 pm
Location: IJKL Zoom Room
Instructor: Nigel Savage, CEO Hazon
Price: $18 or FREE with the Unlimited Class Pass ($36)