Food Rescue

In one year, we rescued over 360 tons – or 620,000 pounds!

When the pandemic began locally in March 2020, we adapted to the needs of our partners and neighbors and undertook a new initiative as part of our core work.

Recognizing that the issue of food insecurity was only going to worsen with Covid-19, we figured that the most essential sustainability is sustenance, and we jumped into the work of food rescue and redistribution.

In the last year, we diverted 620,000 pounds of food, which otherwise would have ended up in the landfill (producing 75,000 pounds of methane), and redistributed it to those who needed it most, ensuring 413,000 meals for our neighbors. We are very proud of this impact and humbled to have been part of an incredible movement of organizations and individuals doing their best to ensure our community was fed.

We are also pleased to share that as of April 1, 2021, we officially transitioned out of food rescue work. We were able to support our partner, Metro Food Rescue, in taking over many of our clients and partners to make sure that they would continue to be served. And we are thrilled to share this new video, which highlights the last year of this project.

Thank you to all our partners who helped make this possible and here’s to a world in which there is no more food waste and no more hunger! Now, we get back to our core work on climate and sustainability.