Hakhel Mini-grants
Since its inception, Hakhel has offered its communities a “full incubation package.” Communities are enjoying counseling, mini-grants, subsidized conferences and immersive trips to Israel, as well as various activities delivered through the Hakhel network. This support amounts to tens of thousands of dollars per community.
This year we have revised the MINI-GRANTS criteria and process and are happy to share the details of this opportunity. We have designed a process that provides small grants that make a significant impact.
Our Goals
Grow and strengthen communities.
Broaden communities’ internal and external impact.
Our Concept
Each Hakhel community is eligible to apply for mini-grants to support the community’s activities and development according to the guidelines and criteria specified by Hakhel. Amounts range from $250 – $1500 and can support activities through December 31, 2022. Applications should be submitted in advance, through the following quick & simple application process, and will be reviewed by Hakhel’s Mini-grants committee. To make sure this funding is sustainable, the total amount of funding granted each year (up to $1500) will need to be matched by your community.
Mini-grants Criteria
Hakhel’s Mini-grants are awarded for activities and projects in three categories:
- Community development and growth.
- External impact and social mission.
- Communal Jewish Journey and connection to Israel.
Hakhel’s Mini-grants Committee will consider the following aspects of the proposed activity:
- Engagement: To what extent does the activity deepen and strengthen community members’ sense of belonging and involvement in community activities?
- Leadership Development: Does the activity provide opportunities for growing the community’s leadership?
- Partnership and Collaborations: What is the scope of collaboration with other organizations, communities, and initiatives? (the more the better!)
- Scalability: Can this activity be replicated in the future in this community, as well as in other communities?
- Financial feasibility: The total annual funding from Hakhel (up to $1,500) must be matched by other funding (other donors/grants, other income or expense, and/or other donations in kind), encouraging sustainability and varied financial resources (for example: if you are asking for a $1,500 mini-grant from Hakhel, the total expense for the activity must be at least $3,000).
The Process
- Communities that are eligible and interested in applying for a mini-grant shall fill the application form linked above.
- Form should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the activity date. Retroactive applications will not be considered. We encourage you to apply well in advance of your activity to avoid disappointment and stressful planning.
- Hakhel mini-grant committee will process the application and respond within a 2 week time frame.
- All activities should take place no later than December 31, 2022.
- Each community can apply multiple times for mini-grants. However, total mini-grants allocated per community for the time frame of January 2022 – December 2022 will not exceed $1500. The minimum amount that will be considered is $250.
- Hakhel mini-grants are paid in the form of reimbursement, meaning after the activity has taken place and upon the submission and approval of all applicable receipts for the entire cost of activity.
- The total annual amount reimbursed by Hakhel mini-grants will not exceed 50% of the total expenses, as proven by receipts, invoices and in-kinds (even if the pre-approved amount was higher).
- Payments will be made within 90 days after approval.