
Hakhel RFP

Request for Proposals

Hakhel: The Jewish Intentional Communities Incubator

Click here to apply

Hakhel is a network of over 100 Jewish Intentional Communities from all over the world. Founded on the premise that communal life is an irreplaceable component in maintaining Jewish identity, Hakhel’s purpose is to to cultivate the emergence of a range of new experiments in Jewish community.

The word Hakhel means “gather the people,” or “to create a community.” It’s from the same root word as Kehillah, community. This term alludes to the project’s two-fold aim of encouraging and developing young communities, and using these communities as a method for engaging young adults in Jewish life, learning and service.

Hakhel invests, both directly and indirectly, in a wide range of new initiatives and experiments in Jewish community. We want to encourage and nourish greater health and sustainability. Where possible, we hope to learn from some of the remarkable experiments in sustainable and intentional communities that have grown dramatically in Israel in the last two or three decades, and connect community leaders from Israel and the Diaspora to grow a global network.

Hakhel provides three channels of support for this nascent movement:

  1. We provide matching mini-grants, professional consulting, and learning trips to Israel for individual communities and community leaders.

  2. We network communities through conferences, peer-learning, trainings and seminars.

  3. We develop content and educational materials to further develop the field and the discourse of Jewish Intentional Communities and to support the work of our communities.

“It feels great to be a part of such a large family. To be surrounded by so many people that share the same passion as I do.”

How to join

What we mean by “Jewish Intentional Community” is a group of people who live in close proximity, share a sense of purpose around what it means to be in community, and who have a long-term vision for the community they seek to create. They are rooted in Jewish life, broadly construed; and they’re meeting together on a regular basis with the intention of reaching a wider group of people and having an impact on the world they live in.

If you feel that you are an innovative and entrepreneurial Jewish leader, who wants to create something like this, we encourage you to apply.

We are looking for nascent communities and community leaders to join Hakhel. Even a group of 2-3 people who share a similar vision and values can be a seed community, or it can start as an independent Minyan, a social- or environmental-justice oriented group, alumni or sub-groups of short-term communal programs (like Moishe House, Repair the World, and Avodah), and more.

If accepted into Hakhel we’ll work with you and support you over 3 years.

We accept applications from anywhere in the Jewish world outside of Israel.

“It is incredibly meaningful for me to connect with other like-minded people from around the world – I feel like I’ve found my tribe!”

What will you receive if you’re accepted?

Over the first three years, groups joining Hakhel will receive:

Fully funded professional consulting on community development and sustainable living. Your handpicked advisor will guide you through the technical processes involved in community building, and be a fountain of wisdom for new member engagement, retention and a myriad of other topics.

Networking opportunities with like minded folk with like minded folk who are building brand new communities, both on an international and a local level.

Seed money to help kickstart your community of up to $3000 a year

Subsidies for Hakhel’s Israel Trips where you will learn about how over 200 intentional communities in Israel have become so well established.

Educational materials, which you can use to educate yourself about the process of building a community, or to inspire members about your vision.

Training seminars and conferences to help you develop skills which you need to lead your community.

What would your commitment to the program be?

Sending two representatives to each annual or local conference, and to the Israel trip.

Participating in trainings, evaluation and data collection.

Reporting about your community’s progress, membership and impact, including specific data collection as evidence of community growth.

Click here to apply

We accept applications on a rolling basis.
If you have any questions please contact us at hakhel@hazon.org

About Hazon

The word “Hazon” means vision. Hazon is the Jewish lab for sustainability. We work to create a healthier and more sustainable Jewish community, and a healthier and more sustainable world for all. We were founded in 2000 and we have grown every year since. We welcome participants of all religious backgrounds and none, and we work closely with a wide range of communities across the world.