Oct 20, 2019 - 3:00 pm EDT - 5:00 pm EDT
Congregation Mount Sinai, Brooklyn, NY
A unique, interactive, and musical ritual marking the end of the Jewish High Holy Days Season, celebrating the secrets of Torah and blessing the earth, together with our friends at Congregation Mount Sinai and Lab/Shul. We’ll gather at Congregation Mount Sinai, then parade out to Camdan Plaza Park to unscroll our Torah Scroll in a giant human circle, receive your own Torah-Tarot charge for the year ahead, whack a willow branch, and sing and pray together for peace and prosperity on our planet.
Based on the ancient indigenous Jewish rituals of Simchat Torah and Hoshana Rabah, this fall celebration invites you to reclaim tribal traditions and reinvent new rituals for our modern reality.
All ages, all faiths.