A Food Justice Tu B’Shvat Seder

Jan 15, 2019 - 7:00 pm MST - 8:30 pm MST

Boulder JCC, Boulder, CO

Tuesday, January 15 | 7 – 8:30 pm | JCC Boulder | $18 per person

Tu BShvat is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the trees’ birthday and marks their coming of age as a bearer of fruit. How are we connected to this today and how does it relate to our sources of food? Join us at Milk and Honey Farm at the J for a Tu BShvat seder as we learn more about food justice issues and food insecurity in Boulder County.

With guest speaker Hayden Dansky, Executive Director of Boulder Food Rescue.

Co-sponsored by Hazon, Milk and Honey Farm at the JCongregation Bonai Shalom, Congregation Har HaShem, and Moishe House Boulder.

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